Globe continues to cement its leadership in sustainability integration and reporting within the Philippine telecom industry, recently receiving recognition from two award-giving bodies.

ESG Investing, a division of Global Markets Media Ltd., named Globe a finalist for Best Sustainability Reporting: Technology & Telecoms Award. The ESG Reporting Awards 2022 are the only awards devoted to assessing the best-listed companies in the area of sustainability and climate-related reporting.

Likewise, the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA), the world’s largest professional PR body, named Globe a finalist for the Gold Standard Awards 2022 under the Reporting and Accountability category.

In developing its Annual Integrated Report, Globe saw integrated thinking as an integral part of redefining and disclosing the company’s business and sustainability strategies, enterprise risk management, and corporate governance.

Setting the Integrated Report apart is how its contents are grounded on addressing Globe’s material issues identified through review exercises and aligned with global frameworks and standards, the company’s risk management practices, and opportunities for value creation.

Highlighting key milestones via Integrated Thinking

Globe’s Integrated Report uses the Integrated Reporting Framework, which highlights how value is created over the short, medium, and long term. The report is divided into six capitals, namely: Financial Capital, Manufactured Capital, Intellectual Capital, Human Capital, Social and Relationship Capital, and Natural Capital. Through this framework, stakeholders are informed how the different capitals are connected and interdependent.

Globe sees that the Integrated Reporting framework is more than a disclosure guidance, it is also a tool to strengthen the sustainability strategy of the company.

“As a responsible business, Globe sees transparency as one of the key aspects of sustainability. Our annual Integrated Report serves as one of the monitoring mechanisms that keep us in check with our progress and ensures that we are upholding the standards we have committed to,” said Yoly Crisanto, Globe Group Chief Sustainability and Corporate Communications Officer.

The annual integrated report is an instrumental disclosure report used by ESG ratings agencies to evaluate the performance of the company against their metrics. It also serves as a Communication Progress Report to the UN Global Compact, as part of its duty as a signatory.

To simplify reporting, the leading digital solutions platform maximized the use of visualizations to lessen the number of pages and limit the digital version’s loading time when downloaded. It has opted to forego physical printing since 2015 to lessen carbon emissions.

This practice of Integrated Reporting has contributed to Globe maintaining its A rating in MSCI, B rating in CDP, and medium risk in Sustainalytics, and its membership in the FTSE4Good for seven straight years.