Two students from the town of Lambunao in Iloilo province will be representing the country in an international conference on July 23-25 this year.

Lambunao National High School-Supreme Student Government President Sarah Juliene Lizada and Public Information Officer Danica Suprecencia have qualified for the Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN) Conference in New York City.

The two, togerther with their adviser Stephen Lloyd Casono, paid a courtesy visit to Governor Arthur Defensor on Tuesday, May 24.

They also asked for financial support from the provincial government.

The CWMUN Conference brings together over 3000 students from all over the world every year to create the largest international youth forum on the planet which takes place in the Big Apple.

It is a unique event where students, political leaders, sports champions and geopolitics experts come together to discuss the future, cooperation and sustainability.IMT