Will it be a four-cornered fight for the post of representative of Iloilo City’s lone congressional district?

Lawyer Rex Rico, former city councilor, recently announced his plan to run against Representative Julienne “Jam-Jam” Baronda who is expected to seek reelection next year.

The San Beda College of Law graduate was one of the nominees for the post of Ombudsman.

The names of former city mayor Jose “Joe” Espinosa III and Jane Javellana, President Rodrigo Duterte’s presidential consultant for Western Visayas, have been also floated as potential congressional candidates.

Espinosa III, City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas’ estranged brother-in-law, has reportedly started meeting with barangay and business leaders.

Javellana, on the other hand, is an Ilongga businesswoman and staunch supporter of Duterte.IMT