Five job hire workers and a regular employee of the Iloilo City Government have been accused of stealing copper cable wires owned by telecommunications firm Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT).

All those involved are assigned at the City Engineers Office (CEO).

Joel Gerasmia, CEO chief of staff, said the job hire workers were already terminated while the regular employee was asked by City Mayor Jerry Treñas to submit his resignation.

The six allegedly cut the cable wires “hanging loosely” in Barangay Habog-Habog Salvacion, Molo district and loaded them on the city government-owned truck.

City Mayor Jerry Treñas slammed the involvement of the City Hall workers in the reported theft incident.

“They are given the option of resigning from their employment immediately or face criminal and administrative cases,” he said.

“In behalf of the city government, I apologize for these employees. We will always endeavor to prove that they are the exceptions rather than the rule in the city government,” Treñas further said.IMT