Six residents of the province and city of Iloilo are the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in Western Visayas.

Based on the July 7 COVID-19 Case Bulletin, three of the additional patients are repatriated overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and a locally stranded individual (LSI).

The three coronavirus-positive OFWs are a 55-year-old male from Alimodian, a 34-year-old male from Calinog, and a 26-year-old female from Passi City, while the infected OFW is 26-year-old female from Janiuay.

They are all asymptomatic and currently staying in different quarantine facilities, according to the Department of Health (DOH-6).

The two other cases involved a 32-year-old female health worker from San Joaquin and a 74-year-old female from City Proper.

The health worker had close contact with two infected LSIs (WV Patient Nos. 339 and 340) in their town. 

Meanwhile, the senior citizen is currently on strict home quarantine.

There are now 395 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the whole region. Broken down, 232 are active cases, 152 are recoveries, and 11 are deaths.IMT