Mayor Jerry Treñas is hoping that the number of active COVID-19 cases in Iloilo City will continue to decrease.

Based on data from the City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (CESU), the city has 34 active infections as of April 5.

The city also logged zero new cases on March 27 and 29 and April 2, 3, and 5.

From January 1 to April 5 this year, a total 8,777 confirmed cases were recorded in the city. The number included 73 deaths, of which 50 were unvaccinated.

Treñas cited the city’s high vaccination rate as one of the factors that contributed to the steady decline of new cases.

He urged those fully vaccinated residents to get their booster shots.

The city is currently under Alert Level 1, the least restrictive in the five-tiered system being implemented in the country.IMT