A personnel of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP-6) is the latest coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patient in the province of Iloilo.

Swab tests taken from the personnel yielded positive results, according to Jail Superintendent Gilbert Peremne, deputy regional director for administration.

“He was one of the 25 BJMP personnel who underwent swab testing,” Peremne said in interview over radio station RMN-Iloilo on Saturday evening, April 25.

The patient, a 31-year-old male from Zarraga, is currently in isolation at the town’s quarantine facility.

He is the town’s first and the province’s 20th COVID-19 patient.

Peremne said the patient’s family members and all those who came in close contact with their corovirus-positive personnel have already been placed under quarantine.

Authorities are atill investigating how the patient was infected.

The asymptomatic patient allegedly travelled to Antique province on Saturday morning.

Governor Rhodora Cadiao ordered on Sunday morning, April 26, the Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for COVID-19 to conduct an immediate investigation on the BJMP personnel’s supposed violations of quarantine protocols.

“File the necessary charges and protest against the persons or personnel of BJMP Iloilo upon verification/confirmation,” Cadiao said in a statement.IMT