Parenting, I conclude, is the hardest, most complicated human role or obligation, more challenging than winning a medal in the Olympics.

Carlo Yulo’s triumph taking home two gold medals in the field of gymnastics, specifically on floor exercises and vault, which placed him to the pedestal of success in the specialization of sports, has brought a lifetime fame and pride to the Philippines since 1896, as the first person in history to have achieved two championships in the Olympics.

The Olympic Games are widely regarded as the grandest and most prestigious sports celebration in the world as these events foster global and historical significance, with a wide variety of sports covered by different media with global coverage in both broadcast and print, or even in social platforms. Thus, with one, winning a medal in that grandiose competition, entails becoming an instant national or global icon, just like Caloy. Every set of eyes in the world has become suddenly so focused on him, interested about his life, his story, his hardship, and of course, his roots.

However, despite the perfection of his stunts and balance, his family rift, especially with his mother tied to a dispute with his girlfriend, has become a world issue, too, and it’s like everyone in social media has something to say or call on who is more righteous between the two women, which if I were to read the comments in different postings, proofs show that Filipinos are equally divided or torn to Team Caloy with the girlfriend and Team Yulo Family. Well, humans as we are, it is but an instinct to possess curiosity, to be opinionated on interesting topics or that to form our own judgements based on our discernment. Discerning however, or our thoughts is formed by a variety of factors. Rationalists like René Descartes argue that our opinions are shaped by our ability to think logically and deduce conclusions from premises. Through reason, we can form opinions based on abstract principles and ideas, independent of sensory experience. Further he added that our opinions can be influenced by the intellectual frameworks.  According to social constructivist views moreover, opinions are often shaped by the cultural and social norms we are exposed to. What is considered right, wrong, or acceptable in a given society influences how we form opinions and paradigms we subscribe to, such as scientific reasoning, moral philosophies, or political ideologies.

I was never tempted to engage myself in the comment sections of Facebook or Instagram. Not even once, because I believe it wouldn’t make any sense or that my view wouldn’t matter at all. However, I am entitled to my own conception as an opinion writer, based on my personal experiences and education in philosophy and logic. Given the history of videos posted about Yulo, he has been trained since early childhood and the only support system who went all throughout, may it be hell or success, is his family, prior to him being scouted by financers. The past videos have shown how happy he was going back home to his Mom, excited to eat the mother’s home-cooked kare-kare after an international tournament, which I presume is that sharing a table together in a home expresses love and affection of a mother to her children , as a woman nature and most importantly, as a choice. The love has always been there, and the rift was just sensationalized and interpreted by millions of spectators with totally opposing points.

Let us begin with the most important factor that having a very strong encouragement and support from parents, is beyond reasons to be thankful for. For if not of the parents, then both his younger siblings, wouldn’t  be in the same interest or direction as his.

As to the issue of theft, and dishonesty, which was clarified by the mother in an interview, to have been saved in a bank, labeled as seemed a mortal sin for Caloy, on my viewpoint given the same situation, can be forgiven, not too easily but in the right timing, for these are just material prizes that I would happily share with the people I love and owe from, with or without my knowledge, as long as I am looking into a brighter perspective, that I could gain more, that I am more than this amount, which Caloy has proven now. Look at him! Look at what he has become since Day 0, the Yulo family decided to support Caloy’s dream of becoming a gymnast, despite the scarcity of resources?

Sometimes, children go psychologically or emotionally astray, when they are far from the parents, and with the distance, inserts the emotional gap. How much more with Caloy being miles away from the family due to trainings? Values change. The environment is different. The influences come from everywhere. Pressures happen. And these factors, affect and test relationships no matter how strong or long it has stood.

I am not against Caloy or his mother as their emotions are valid. But I am too hopeful, that this most controversial family rift in 2024 will pass. Time will heal all wounds and looking at the hearts of his parents, he is more than blessed, compared to others, who have none.IMT