Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, the self-appointed Son of God of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, may soon be facing charges of qualified trafficking and sexual abuse of a minor after the Department of Justice acted on an appeal that has been pending for four years now at its office. The mentioned cases were denied at the Davao City Prosecutors Office and thankfully after too much politicking and after the word ward between President Bongbong Marcos and former president Rodrigo Duterte started, the complainants may soon find justice.

We all knew that in this country justice is selective depending on whose side you are allied with. Who would dare touch Quiboloy when beyond his being the Son of God, he is the spiritual adviser of Mayor Digong who was then busy with his murder sprees of the identified poor drug lords while sparing the lives of those who are rich? It is evident with the dismissal of the criminal complaints against Quiboloy in Davao City, the bailiwick of Duterte while the United States of America has arrested him in the US and filed several counts of charges of the same nature which is still on-going as of this press time. In reality, if Marcos and Duterte are still in good terms today, Secretary Boying Remulla of the Department of Justice will never care.

Call it blessing in disguise too. In the past, there are several horrifying stories that have been mentioned in hush hush and in close doors about the adventures of Quiboloy and it only took politics for the wheels of justice to finally run after him. When the House of Representatives denied the request of Vice President Sara Duterte for confidential funds, the barkers of former president Rodrigo Duterte started their routine at the Sonshine Media Network International (SMNI). They devoured, threatened and criticized the leadership of the House and up to the Office of the President.  The House of Representatives using their regulatory powers, questioned, investigated and threatened the solid television franchise of SMNI the broadcast media arm of KJC the church led by Quiboloy.  The supposed Christian television station has been airing political programs including the one where Digong is a regular.

And now, DOJ wants Quiboloy incarcerated. Qualified human trafficking and sexually molesting minors are capital offenses that are punishable with life. If and only if, Remulla succeeds in performing his task which is not necessarily pushing the end of justice making sure that Quiboloy is neutralized before the next presidential elections, then Quiboloy will find his way to jail. However, if by chance, Remulla fails and the next elections will favor the Dutertes, Remulla will find himself suffering the fate of former senator and DOJ Secretary Leila Delima.

Meantime, Remulla must secure the complainants. They were former members and fanatics of the Son of God. You can only imagine the wrath of a crazy man with several hundreds of thousands of believers and enjoys the political backing of the Dutertes. One wrong move of the DOJ could mean the end for its quest to end the influence of Quiboloy. Afterall, this is not in reality a noble quest for justice but simply another dirty political act of those who are in power and justice served here is merely a consequential benefit.