PHASE ONE. MENRO takes the first step of their sanitary landfill construction process through ground levelling and dumping of wastes to residual containment area in Brgy, Tugura-ao ecopark, Miagao, Iloilo. (Photo by Joyce Bitoca)

The Miagao Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) started the construction of its sanitary landfill in fulfillment of their 10-year Solid Waste Management Plan.

The landfill is currently being built in Miagao’s ecopark in Barangay Tugura-ao.

“Part of our ecopark, which once served as our old dumpsite, will be converted into a sanitary landfill to cater our municipality’s wastes,” said Miagao MENRO officer Ja-ett Branton.

The 10-year plan has been approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) since 2017.

The construction, however, only pushed through in August 2019 due to financial constraints.

“To be able to put up a sanitary landfill, the estimated amount needed is 30-60 million [pesos] but now, with the help of our LGU who provided an initial budget of Php 300,000, we were able to start with the construction process,” said MENRO Designate For. Isidro Mosura Jr.

Miagao MENRO is taking the necessary procedure in the construction of the landfill to avoid possible damages along surrounding areas.

“We’ll pile our wastes, cover them, and apply the needed treatment. We have also chosen an ideal location surrounded by vegetative bamboo and is situated far away from the houses and neighboring barangays,” Mosura said.

Miagao MENRO is set to make the municipality’s sanitary landfill operational in two years.

Oton, Tigbauan and Igbaras MENRO also proposed to put up a sanitary landfill of their own.

“Our municipality [Tigbauan] will be partnering with Oton in our proposal to build a sanitary landfill. Igbaras is also planning to build one exclusive for their municipality,” said Tigbauan Municipal Solid Waste Management focal person Elmer Torrico. /Hannah Britanico, Joyce Bitoca, Alysha Gelvosa/University of the Philippines Visayas