The number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Iloilo City is on an upward trend, according to the City Health Office (CHO).

From January 1 to August 7 this year, CHO’s Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit logged 255 COVID-19 cases, of which 33 are active cases, 209 are tagged as recovered and 13 have died.

CHO also recorded a two-week growth rate of 500 percent from the previous 46.67 percent. It registered 48 cases from July 24 to August 6, higher from 8 cases in the July 10-23 period.

“Our average daily attack increased to 0.74 percent (for every 100,000 population) from 0.12. This is moderate risk,” said CHO Medical Officer III Jan Reygine Ansino-Hortinela.

He attributed the increase to the resumption of classes, the influx of conferences, and the change in weather.

The latest figures, according to Hortinela, are “not alarming.”

But he said: “We would like to raise awareness so that those who might be affected, especially the elderly, can take precautions. It’s not enough to say that we have an outbreak.”

CHO appealed to the public, especially those with co-morbidities and immuno-compromised individuals, pregnant women, unvaccinated, and symptomatic, to follow the health protocols.

“We encourage wearing masks in crowded areas, including front-line workers and those with multiple clients like banks and the treasurer’s office,” Hortinela said.IMT