The number of confirmed coronavirus diease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Western Visayas is now close to 5,000.

The Department of Health (DOH-6) reported 141 new infections on Wednesday, Sept. 2, jacking up the region’s total case count to 4,983.

Iloilo City accounted for majority of the latest cases at 54, followed by Negros Occidental, 47; Bacolod City, 29; Capiz, 6; and Iloilo province, 5. 

The DOH-6 also logged 131 new recoveries and 2 new deaths. 

Forty of the newly recovered patients ar from Iloilo City, 29 from Bacolod City, 22 each from Iloilo province and Negros Occidental, 14 from Capiz, 3 from Guimaras, and 1 from Antique.

On the other hand, the additional fatalities involved patients from Capiz and Iloilo City.IMT