The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination of senior citizens and immunocompromised residents of Iloilo City is set to start this week.

Mayor Jerry P. Treñas said the initial batch of vaccines from the Department of Health (DOH) will cover 900 individuals.

Of the number, 450 are senior citizens and the other half are those who have weakened immune systems.

“If there is a clearance from their own doctors, we will send our vaccinators to the houses of our bedridden seniors and immunocompromised residents for their safety. Please make sure to be registered,” said Treñas.

The mayor said they will use the vaccines developed by China’s Sinovac Biotech.

The city government is also eyeing to inoculate 1000 more frontline health workers in the city this week.

So far, 610 city health workers have completed their immunization against COVID-19.IMT