The order of President Rodrigo Duterte to local chief executives to clear the roads of obstructions and how each local government units (LGUs) hastily executed it to beat the deadline set by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) only showed the inability of the local leaders to manage their areas of responsibilities.

In Iloilo City, Mayor Jerry Treñas quickly responded by ordering his different departments to comply with the order Malacañang making as an excuse that President Duterte means business and that they will not give considerations.

Poor Duterte, he became the scapegoat of every mayor and Treñas himself who is famous for even issuing temporary business permits to sidewalk vendors every Yuletide Season when the road traffic turn worst. Of course it’s always in exchange of political favors in the guise of human consideration.

Interestingly, the city government of Iloilo, declared an overwhelming 83% completion prior the deadline compared to the national expectation of 70%. Almost immediately, the mighty Treñas who recently wore a military uniform as if making himself a clone of Duterte boasted of his achievement.

Congratulations, Jerry!

But why only now? The problem of road obstructions has lingered when he first started in politics until he became the mayor of Iloilo City for three terms. DILG should note however, those local chief executives who have been mayors in the past and are in power again as if acknowledging their failure to do better in the past that they did literally nothing before.

In the case of Treñas he even allowed and tolerated barangay halls erected on the roads though it should be noted that such is not exclusive in Iloilo City.

The 83% compliance of the Treñas-led Iloilo City government is worthy of recognition. The city roads have suddenly grown wider. While it took Treñas more than a decade to act at least he showed some guts, finally.

Moving forward, thank you President Duterte and the people can only wish that the president will order a continuing clearing until his term ends. Even just for three more years that people can enjoy a safer road. Truth is, these local chief executives are left with no choice because Duterte has shown a murderous political will. Otherwise, after three years, it’s happy days once again.

Right, Jerry?