The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee’s investigation on the Good Conduct Time Allowance Law implementation has taken an unprecedented side turn hitting point blank resigned Philippine National Police Chief (PNP) Chief General Oscar David Albayalde who was visibly caught unprepared when the forces of the retired men in uniform gathered and rallied against him detailing his participation and protection of the alleged “ninja cops” who executed a drug-bust in Mexico, Pampanga last 2013 and pilfered the 160 kgs of shabu recovered from a Chinese national for their personal end.

The Senate committee has recommended the filing of criminal charges against the general who interestingly was immediately defended by Malacanang.

The result of the investigation showed a fatal flaw on the anti-illegal drugs campaign of the Duterte administration.

While the President was hard as stone in announcing the involvement of PNP officers and political leaders in the illegal drug trade and warning of death to those suspected of participation, his hundreds of millions of pesos intelligence fund still failed him as he appointed an allegedly dirty Albayalde and eventually spared the “ninja cops” from prosecution.

It has now become clear that the appointment of Albayalde has in fact created a larger crack within the police hierarchy as an institution instead of fostering unity among the ranks.

The normally noisy but callous Senator Bato de la Rosa, a former Chief PNP himself was suspiciously silent during the course of the senate investigation when he could have contributed more having known the intestines of his organization.

Perhaps the less he talks, the less trouble he creates or even involve himself since the PNP like any other departments in this country is not exempted from the infestation of severe corruption and a surgical investigation could mean it’s total breakdown.

It was de la Rosa who recommended Albayalde. The irony is, the Senate will not investigate their own especially those who are allied with the President.

Since the most Senate can do is to investigate in aid of legislation, now is the best time to legislate strict requirements for PNP and even the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) officership and promotions.

Promotions should not be based on the whims and likes of the President and seniority. Afterall, there are several hundreds of them deserving to lead and having no one to lean on but the achievements and medals of leadership and courage they earned in the service of their country and fellowmen.