Road traffic condition in the Philippines in general has worsened over the past decades and at some point has become a crisis beyond management in some areas across the country. When during the 80’s EDSA is a symbol of democracy and how the Filipinos fought a silent revolution against the tyrant Ferdinand Marcos, today EDSA symbolizes what a traffic crisis is.

In Iloilo City, traffic problem has not yet reached a crisis situation. Although at times, maneuvering several main roads around the city is truly a painful effort and a headache especially among those who move the economy. However, if left mismanaged, the road traffic situation of Iloilo City will in no time turn into the deplorable state of traffic in Cebu City now and worst, the worst problem that Metro Manila is facing nowadays.

Recently, the city government has launched the traffic discipline zone covering the 14-kilometer stretch of the Senator Benigno Aquino Avenue. It is also planning to make Mac Arthur Drive in Jaro District the next traffic discipline zone.

The traffic discipline zone is set to become the model of how the city will manage road traffic where ALL ordinances and national laws on traffic will be implemented 24/7. 

There are two important things that must be given significance here: discipline and 24/7. Problems like clogged main roads and accidents do happen because of the lack of discipline among people. It is unfortunate that a simple problem of traffic has become so complicated and the government has to spend riches just to manage it when the real problem is the citizens and lack of discipline.

While it is worthy to mention that additional road networks must be built to accomodate the influx of vehicles and people, the same solution will be rendered useless if discipline among the people is not present. Pedestrians cross the roads anywhere. Motorists overtake, cross and park just anywhere disregarding safety. Drivers do not mind the traffic lights.

And of course, the mention of a 24/7 implementation of all the traffic rules is most important. In a country were the implementation of the laws rests and sleeps as night time come, a round the clock execution of the city’s traffic ordinances will definitely deliver a sound message that it means business.

Hopefully, this program will not expire with the term of office of the current administration. Traffic problems create millions of losses in the economy. It must be resolve now or life will be more difficult for Iloilo City in the years to come.