A seafarer from the province of Guimaras tested positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Department of Health (DOH-6) reported on Saturday, May 2.

The 27-year-old seafarer from the town of Buenavista is Western Visayas’ 72nd COVID-19 case. 

He is also considered by the DOH-6 as Guimaras’ first case of the deadly disease.

The infected seafarer is asymptomatic or has not exhibited any symptom of COVID-19.

“Currently, he is in a facility quarantine in Iloilo [City]. He will be reintegrated to his community and family in Buenavista, Guimaras once the RT-PCR (real-time polymerase chain reaction) result turns negative,” the DOH-6 said in a statement.

The Guimarasnon patient was among the 175 repatriated seafarers who arrived in Iloilo City from Manila on Wednesday, April 29, via a 2GO sea vessel.

Vice Governor John Edward Gando slammed the DOH-6 for tagging the coronavirus-positive patient as the first COVID-19 case of Guimaras.

“I am protesting the recklessness of the DOH in posting a case of COVID-19 for the province of Guimaras,” Gando said in a Facebook post.

“To favor and be silent about the reporting of the DOH is to concede to the position that the LGUs in the province have now the obligation to conduct contact-tracing within its area despite the fact that this hardworking Guimarasnon could have been out of Guimaras and missed by his family for months or even years already. To favor and be silent about the reporting of the DOH is to countenance misinformation and absurd policies,” he further stated. 

According to Gando, COVID-19 Case Bulletin No. 37 issued by the region’s health department “has, in one way or the other caused intense fear, apprehension, pandemonium and confusion to our people. And we will not sit idly on this. This we commit.”IMT

Photo by PCG