I resolve that I will manage my time carefully this year and make sure that I get to all my appointments, meetings and work on time. I know I have offended many people, my co-workers and staff, associates and acquaintances because I have failed to appreciate and value time.

I resolve that I will no longer stay late drinking alcohol with friends and start spending more after work time with family. I know I have lost a lot of me and family time because of this old habit. Each morning I get the hang-over, I tend to take for granted my schedule without realizing that I am causing harm and discomfort to other people.

I resolve that I will read more books instead of watching reels and short videos. I have lost the old me. The books are piling up with dust and I would rather pause for a break from work to watch the reels of sexy social media goddesses. Now I am having a problem with my spoken English and my vocabulary is getting narrow.

I resolve to walk and jog everyday instead of waking up late and staying lazy and cozy on bed. My tummy has been pregnant for almost 48 months and I am already having issues walking long distances. Apparently, I have forgotten what a cardio workout means and the benefits it provides for the circulatory system of my body.

I resolve to eat more fruits and finally teach myself to eat vegetables. I have been a meat type of person. I love roasted pig, grilled meat, and a lot more meat cuisine. My doctor has been reminding me to go easy with meat to avoid complications that may come along with age and meat consumption. I always say yes.

I resolve that I will be kinder especially to idiots who just ruin things around because of their being. I will try to wear their shoes and walk their pace as it’s the best way to be grounded and understand their way of life. Perhaps, I will eventually like it and live the life of being the best idiot in the world.

I resolve that I will stop hating friends and acquaintances who love to post on social media their lives, new cars, new houses and everything new to them. In fact I must try to emulate them since they always caption their posts with “Bawal nega, good vibes lang!” Maybe it’s time for me to post mine. Hmmm, I’ll gather my strength just yet. I only own an old and repainted truck and a locally made motorcycle.

I resolve to post on social media every place I visit and every food I eat. Who knows I can inspire others to visit the same places and maybe start food tourism out of the food I eat. It will be grander. Imagine the feeling I get that even those who hate me will get to see the food I splurge for.

I resolve to go to my hometown every month and visit the graves of my parents. I have promised them as they lay in wake before. Unfortunately, my promise went along their graves.

Oh yes, I resolve to remember these again. I wrote this almost five years ago. It won’t harm reposting them again after all nothing has changed around the world and it’s the same old.