The Iloilo City Police Office (ICPO) assured the general public, tourists, and investors that the city remains “generally peaceful” despite its inclusion in  the list of cities in Southeast Asia with the highest crime index.

According to collaborative online database Numbeo, the city has a crime index (an estimation of the overall level of crime in a given city or country) of 41.15 percent.

“We consider crime levels between 40 and 60 as being moderate,” Numbeo said.

Police Colonel Joeresty Coronica, ICPO director, stressed that “the database’s crime index does not represent the true [peace and order] situation [in the city].”

The crime index provided by Numbeo is “based on user-contributed data and perceptions, which may differ from official government statistics.”

“The index serves as a comparative tool to assess the relative safety of different cities or countries, helping individuals make informed decisions and understand the crime landscape in specific locations,” Numbeo explained.

In a statement, Mayor Jerry Treñas said the city government “collaborate[s] across all sectors of the community to make sure that the city remains safe, sustainable, resilient, and livable for all.”

Other Philippine cities on the list were Manila, Quezon, Cebu, Makati, and Davao.IMT