The House of Representatives has approved on third and final reading a bill seeking to regulate the use of motorcycles as a public transport mode.

The chamber voted 200-1-0 to pass House Bill No.  (HBN) 10424, allowing the operation of motorcycles as common carriers for the transportation of passengers and goods.

“The House of Representatives acknowledges that motorcycles-for-hire not just serve as an efficient alternative to mass public transportation but also a viable source of livelihood for Filipinos,” said Speaker Martin Romualdez.

“This bill aims to provide safe, sufficient, and economical mode of public transport by allowing and regulating the use of motorcycles as public utility vehicles,” he added.

HBN 10424 requires the registration of motorcycles-for-hire with the Land Transportation Office to ensure their roadworthiness.

Once enacted into law, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board would have the authority to regulate the operation of motorcycles-for-hire operating in areas in areas without operating digital platforms.IMT