More Electric and Power Corporation (MORE Power), the sole power distributor in Iloilo City, will implement an electricity rate hike.

The residential power rate in the city is set to go up to P12.8566 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) this July from P8.7749 kWh in the previous month.

In a statement, MORE Power attributed the increase to a higher generation charge, which increased from P3.9833 per kWh last month to P7.5572 per kWh this July.

Niel Parcon, Vice President for Corporate Energy Sourcing and Regulatory Affairs (CESRA) of MORE Power, said the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) charges were deferred in June in compliance with the order of the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC).

“Our average residential rate could have dropped to P11.6625 per kWh in the July billing cycle without the deferment,” he said.

MORE Power’s distribution, supply, and metering charges remain unchanged at P2.337 per kWh.

Despite the hike, the power rate in the city remains the lowest in the Visayas.IMT