Newly installed Police Regional Office (PRO)-Western Visayas Director Brigadier General Rolando Miranda batted for strengthened collaboration between the police force and the community.

The support of community members is vital, according to Miranda, in making the whole region safer and more peaceful.

He also urged all police officers to stay committed to perform their duties and responsibilities to serve and protect the people.

Sa mga Ilonggo cop at sa mga Western Visayas people, please help me make Iloilo or the whole Western Visayas safer. If we work together, we can make things happen,” he said.

Miranda replaced Brigadier General Rene Pamuspusan, who has been reassigned as the deputy head of the PNP Directorate for Plans.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Joem Malong, PRO-6 spokesperson, said Miranda assumed office on Tuesday, Dec. 1.

The turnover of command at the PRO-6 is set on Wednesday, December 2 at 3 pm.

Pamuspusan, a member of Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) Class of 1988, assumed the PRO-6 helm on June 27, 2019.

Meanwhile, Miranda vowed to sustain the fight against illegal drugs, criminality, and insurgency.

He said he would also focus on the internal cleansing.

Prior to his new assignment, Miranda, a member of Philippine Military Academy Class of 1990, served as the director of Manila Police District in the National Capital Region (NCR).Angelique Amira Jabian/IMT