The Iloilo City Government has allocated P4 million for the establishment of a public library and a museum dedicated to Ilonggo hero Graciano Lopez Jaena.

A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Wednesday, Dec. 16, for the construction of the Graciano Lopez Jaena Shrine in Barangay Fajardo, Jaro district.

Mayor Jerry P. Treñas said the shrine “will also serve as the public library that will be open for 24 hours.”

Yesterday, Dec. 18, Iloilo City and the entire province of Iloilo commemorated the birth anniversary of Lopez Jaena.

Mia Fe Lopez-Cruz, president of the Dr. Graciano Lopez Jaena Foundation (DGLJF) and a descendant of the Ilonggo national hero, said they were grateful that their “dream project” is now underway.

“It is high-time to pay homage sa iya for so long a time damo nag-attempt but it didn’t materialize. It is only this time,” she said in an interview on Uswag Patrol, the city government’s online news program.

 “At least, now ang iya talent, skills in journalism and speech pwede na ma-inculcate sa kabataan diri kon ari na di ang library. They can do workshops, seminars. Everything about the life and works of Graciano especially subong galapta na ang fake news. Somewhere, somehow we have to start, we want kids to learn in today’s time” she added.

Treñas said Ilonggos should be proud of Lopez Jaena and what he did for the country.

“He is one of the many Filipinos who stood up from the injustices of the oppressors. May we remember his sacrifices, and inspire the younger generation to fight for what is right and just,” he said.

Lopez Jaena was a towering figure in Philippine history, considered as one of the three giants of the Propaganda Movement, along with Jose Rizal and Marcelo Del Pilar.

He was a master of spreading sensational propaganda that was terribly hated by the Spaniards, but thoroughly enjoyed by the masses.

Among Lopez Jaena’s most notable potent works is Fray Botod, a vicious parody on the excesses and abuses of local Spanish clergymen. Compared with other propaganda, Fray Botod was considered even more dangerous because the masses consumed it like a ravenous pack, eager for the next piece of gossip or blind item.IMT (with a report from