The show Beyond Fleshfeatured the works of Bonito, JeckoMagallon, RonnBulahan, Jun Orland Espinosa, Bea Gison, John Michael Catigan, Mating Namo, and Kinno Florentino at the Mamusa Art Gallery.

The works in the collection is described by LenlenSacapaño who wrote the rationale of the show as a set of ‘masterpieces that cries for the truth’ for every artwork imparts the mundane desire of each heart to convey a message that the beauty of life does not rest on material wealth, honor, or power.

Uncontrolled by Jun Orland Espinosa

The show characterizes the youth as a sector of society who possess overflowing energy thereby depicting restlessness as a natural process towards maturity. Jun Orland Espinosa’s Uncontrolled effectively used a multi-layer messaging to portray a seemingly limitless indulgence of a person as a youth.

The collection also deliberates the tendency of the youth to engage on trivial pursuits just to hold a fleeting power and gain momentary recognition in order to feed its egoistic cravings. The work of Bea Gison may have revealed a youth engaged on a self-conversation through a series of drawings with titles ranging from statements and queries. 

The art pieces shared by the eight artists alsoattempts to illustrate the predominant attitude on today’s youth considering the everyday challenges that they encounter in life and how technology is shaping collective knowledge.A viewer may find these themes in the work of Bonito entitled: CCTV: SipsipsaTabi; SisisaTabi and in Mating Namo’sIn the Middle of Zoning Out.

Bea Gison’s series in Ballpoint Pen on Paper



Mating Namo

The set of artwork are rich with symbolisms that deal with contradictions, inconsistencies, and resistance on traditional norms or the adaptation of behaviors from peers who stimulate aspirational wants either to gain acceptance or to conform with the trends of the day.JeckoMagallon’sUgly to Admitwill enable a viewer to reflect on self-acceptance considering the uniqueness of every person.

The central message of the collection is expressed in an appeal from a self-conscious and a socially-aware youth, from one end, towards a delinquent, reckless, and neglectful, on the other end,by encouraging them to go “beyond the flesh” by redirecting their energy on useful pursuits being the hope of the nation. 

Bearing by Michael Catigan

Fatal Shot!: The Unexpected Virtue of Death by RonnBulahan

Okay Lang MawalaAko, Basta Masaya ang Nanay Ko by Kinno Florentino