Several streets in Iloilo City will be closed to motorists on Friday, Jan. 10, for the opening salvo of this year’s Dinagyang Festival.

The closure, according to the city government’s Public Safety and Transportation Management Office (PSTMO), will be in effect starting 1 p.m. until 6 p.m.
The following streets will be closed off passing vehicles:
General Luna Street – from corner Bonifacio Drive to corner Muelle Loney Street
Delagado Street – from corner Quezon Street to corner F. Caram Street
Ledesma Street – from corner Quezon Street to corner Iznart Street
J. De Leon Street – from Quezon Street to corner Iznart Street
Aldeguer Street – from corner Iznart Street to corner Muelle Loney Street
Mapa Street – from corner Gen. Blanco to corner JM Basa Street
Guanco Street – from corner Muelle Loney to corner Rizal Street
Ortiz Street – from corner Rizal Street to corner JM Basa Street
Iznart Street – from corner Rizal Street to corner Plazoletagay
JM Basa Street – whole stretch 
Fermin Caram Street – whole stretch 
Valeria Street – from corner Rizal Street to Gen. Luna Street 
Quezon Street – no left turn in going to Gen. Luma Street (proceed to Bonifacio Drive)
Montinola Street – from corner Muelle Luney to F. Caram Street
Solis Street – from corner Muelle Loney to corner Valeria Street
Yulo Street – from corner Muelle Loney until F. Caram Street
Arroyo Street – from corner Muelle Loney to corner JM Basa Street
Aduana (Peralta) – from corner Muelle Loney to JM Basa Street
Huervas Street – whole streach
Dela Rama Street – from corner Melleza to corner JM Basa Street
Muelle Loney Street – from corner Melleza to corner Quirino Bridge
Muelle Loney Bridge – from Lapuz in going to Muelle Loney
Rizal Street – from corner Ortiz Street to corner Iznart/ Ma. Clara
A one-way traffic will be implemented on Muelle Loney Street from Rizal, La Paz/ Drilon Bridge towards Quirino Bridge , and in Rizal, Lapuz from Rizal Statue towards Barangay Rizal in La Paz(covered court).
Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJs) are not allowed to ply the following streets:
Ledesma Street – from corner Mabini Street to Plazoletagay
Luna Street – from corner Huervana to Forbes Bridge/ Bonifacio Drive
Quezon Street – from corner Delgado to Rozal Street
Gen. Luna Street – from corner Quezon Street to Arroyo Fountain/ Fermin Caram Street
Here is the traffic rerouting scheme: 
-All Villa/Baluarte/ SM City Proper PUJs coming from the direction of MH Del Pilar and B. Aquino Avenue (Diversion Road) shall pass through General Luna Street, turn right to Quezon Street, turn right to Delgado Street towards Jalandoni Street, and proceed to their normal route back to their place of origin.
-All Baluarte/Calumpang PUJs coming from the direction of Lopez Jaena (Baluarte) in going to the City Proper shall pass through Ledesma Street, turn right to Mabini Street where they can load/unload their passengers. In going back, shall turn right to J. De Leon Street, turn right to Fuentes Street, turn left to Ledesma towards Tanza and proceed to their respective place of origin.
-All Timawa PUJs coming from the direction of TIMAWA AVENUE in going to CITY PROPER shall pass through DELGADO turn right to JALANDONI, turn left to LEDESMA ST. turn right to MABINI ST. where they can load/unload their passengers. In going back, shall turn right to J. DE LEON ST., turn right to FUENTES ST., turn left to LEDESMA passing their normal route towards their place of origin.
-All UNGKA ITGSI Diversion PUJs coming from the direction of B. Aquino Avenue in going to the City Proper shall pass Tanza/Infante Avenue, turn left Lopez Jaena Street right to Rizal-Ledesma Street, turn left to Mabini Street where they can load and unload their passengers. In going back shall turn left to Delgado Street turn right to Jalandoni Street, turn left to General Luna Street to their respective place of origin.
-All Jaro CPU/Jaro Liko PUJs coming from the direction of Jaro shall pass E. Lopez Street towards Luna La Paz turn to Huervana Street turn left to Rizal Street fronting La Paz Market where they can load and unload their passengers. And in going back shall pass Luna Street passing their normal route and to their place of origin.
-All La Paz PUJs coming from Huervana Street shall turn left at Rizal Street, La Paz turn right to Drilon Bridge to Muelle Loney up to the back of the Provincial Capitol where they can load and unload their passengers. And in going back shall turn left to Quirino Bridge turn left to Rizal Street, Lapuz up to Rizal Street, La Paz and turn right Huervana passing their normal route towards their place of origin.
-All Bo. Obrero and LAlapuz PUJs coming from Jalandoni, Lapuz shall turn right to Rizal, Lapuz up to Rizal, La Paz, turn left to Drilon Bridge to Muelle Loney and proceed at the back of the Provincial Capitol where they can load and unload their passengers. And in going back shall turn left to Quirino Bridge, turn right to Rizal, Lapuz and pass their normal route towards their place of origin.
-All Parola PUJs coming from the direction of Zamora shall pass Rizal Street turn left to Ortiz Street turn right General Blanco turn left to Rizal Street turn right to Quezon Street turn left to J. De Leon turn left to Fuentes Street turn left to Rizal and in going back shall turn left Mabini Street turn right to J. De Leon turn right to Quezon turn left to Rizal turn right to General Blanco turn left to Ortiz turn right to Rizal and turn left to Zamora to their place of origin. 
-All private vehicles are allowed to enter in the vicinity of the City Proper area except on streets where the parade are being held and on streets declared no entry to all types of vehicles.
Private vehicles are advised to pass the following alternative routes:
-from Jalandoni Street – Gen. Luna Street – Jalandoni Bridge – Hechanova Street – Luna – Huervana Street
-from Muelle Loney/PPA – Zamora – Rizal – Gen. Blanco – Rizal /Quezon – Gen. Luna – Bonifacio Drive – Huervana/Rizal
-All private vehicles coming from Jaro who wish to proceed to Arrastre (PPA) shall pass Luna Street, La Paz, turn right to Hechanova/Nabitasan towards Jalandoni – Rizal Street turn right to General Blanco, turn left to Ortiz, turn right to Rizal, turn right to General Hughes towards PPA.
-All private vehicles coming from Baluarte and Calumpang who wish to proceed to Arrastre shall pass through Jalandoni to Rizal Street turn right to General Blanco, turn left to Ortiz, turn right to Rizal, turn right to General Hughes towards Arrastre (PPA Pier).
The Parade will start from the Iloilo City Freedom Grandstand, turn left to Aduana Street (M. Peralta), turn right to JM Basa Street towards F. Caram Avenue, turn left to Solis Street, turn left to Valeria Street, turn left to De leon Street, turn right to Iznart Street, turn left to Rizal/ Ma. Clara Street, turn left to Mapa Street, turn right to JM Basa Street, turn left to Dela Rama Street to their final dispersal area.IMT