The public sale and consumption of liquor will be prohibited after 12 midnight in Iloilo City starting Friday, Dec. 9.

The prohibition was ordered by Mayor Jerry Treñas through Executive Order (EO) No.049-A “due to the recent prevalence of loitering and other bar fighting while under the influence of liquor.”

“The sale and consumption in public of any form of liquor or alcoholic beverages, or any alcoholic drink containing a specific percentage of alcohol by volume or weight shall be allowed from 8 a.m. until 12 midnight only,” the EO stated.

“Compliance officers and other authorized personnel deployed by the Iloilo City Government shall conduct regular random inspections to ensure proper compliance of business establishments operating within Iloilo City,” it further stated.

According to Treñas, the unregulated dispensation of liquor and other intoxicating drinks during the wee hours of the morning and sometimes, daytime results to improper conduct and harmful behavior of consumers and proliferation of criminal activities.

“Imbibing of liquor or intoxicating drinks even during wee hours of the morning permeates loitering in the streets at night of persons under the influence of liquor,” he said.

The latest EO, which amended Section Section 1 of Executive Order No. 49, was issued by Treñas on Tuesday, Dec. 6.IMT