The Iloilo City Council on Tuesday, Nov. 9, passed a resolution “allowing and authorizing” Mayor Jerry P. Treñas to file an administrative complaint against the Land Transportation Office (LTO-6) official who allegedly violated a traffic law.

Although LTO- 6 Director 1 Arturo Apolinar already apologized, Treñas said the city goverment will pursue the filing of the complaint against the former.

Apolinar allegedly beat the red light on EL-98 Street in Jaro district on Oct. 25.

He was flagged down by the traffic enforcers but he refused to stop, thus, he was chased up to their regional office in Alta Tierra, Jaro.

Department of Transportation (DOTr) Secretary Art Tugade earlier said that Apolinar was preventively suspensed while the investigation is being conducted.

“As far as I can gather meron po syang violations. I called that political arrogance. Wala ho sa ating kagawaran at ahensya ‘yung tinatawag na arrogance of power,” Tugade said during his recent visit in Iloilo.

He clarified that Apolinar was not yet suspended from service because preventive suspension is a process and not a punishment.

“Hindi pa naman kita tinanggal…kung ano man ang ihahataw na parusa dyan, kasama ‘yung pagtanggal, paparatingin hu namin sa kinauukulan. When I ask you to step aside, you better step aside to allow us to do an impartial, unbiased investigation,” he said.

It was Treñas who lodged a complaint against Apolinar before Tugade’s office.

“I denounce government officials who do not follow traffic signs. Most especially if they work with the LTO which is called upon to execute national laws on traffic,” he said.IMT