Mayor Jerry Treñas urged residents of Iloilo City to stay at home to help stop the further spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

“We are requesting everyone to avoid going out of your houses if there is no absolute need for the same,” said Treñas.

The city has the second highest number of active COVID-19 cases in the Western Visayas region with 302, next to Iloilo province which has recorded 518 active cases.

It is currently under modified general community quarantine (MGCQ), the lowest form of lockdown imposed by the government.

Treñas also appealed for cooperation and prayers from the public.

“Once again we are on unchartered paths. We ask everyone to pray for guidance for our leaders so that we can make the correct decisions,” he said.

“Let us strictly follow the health protocols,” the mayor added.IMT