Mayor Jerry P. Treñas has ordered the strict enforcement of an ordinance that prohibits littering, urinating, defecating and spitting in public places.

Under Regulation Ordinance 2004-149, the City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) is mandated to lead the enforcement of the ordinance.

The measure penalizes those caught littering on streets, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds and other public places; urinating, defecating or spitting in public places; painting or posting graffiti and vandalism or any public and private places; and failure to maintain cleanliness of premises and surroundings.

The penalties are P500 for first offense, P750 for second offense, and P1,000 for third offense. Failure to pay within 72 hours, a case shall be filed to the Prosecutor’s Office.”

CENRO will deploy more personnel especially in the downtown area to apprehend erring individuals.IMT