Thirty-three barangays in Iloilo City are expected to experience water shortage during the occurrence of El Niño, a weather phenomenon characterized by below-normal rainfall.

The affected villages, according to engineer Rothel John Chavez, Metro Pacific Iloilo Water (MPIW) Water Network Department head, are as follows:

  • Molo – San Pedro, Sitio Bukid-bukid, East Baluarte, Infante, South Fundidor, kag Compania;
  • Arevalo – Bonifacio, Arroyo, and Quezon Streets
  • City Proper – General Luna, Delgado, Ledesma, Quezon, Valeria, Jalandoni and Fuestes Streets;
  • La Paz – Jereos, Caingin, Gustilo, Lopez Jaena Norte, and Lopez Jaena Sur
  • Lapuz – Alalasan, Jalandoni Estate and Lapuz Norte
  • Jaro – Simon Ledesma, Democracia, Our Lady of Lourdes, Montinola, MH Del Pilar, and Dungon A
  • Mandurriao – Dungon B, Dungon C, Bolilao and Navais.

Chaves said MPIW will mobilize its water tankers to ease the looming water shortage in the 33 villages.

Earlier this month, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) issued an El Niño alert.

The state weather bureau said the El Niño phenomenon “may emerge in the coming season (June-July-August) at 80 percent probability and may persist until the first quarter of 2024.”IMT