lloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas is expecting President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to mention the Panay-Guimaras-Negros (PGN) bridge project in his upcoming State of the Nation Address (SONA).

Marcos Jr. is set to deliver his third SONA on July 22 at the Batasang Pambansa complex in Quezon City.

“I hope the president will announce the Panay-Guimaras-Negros bridge. This is another game change for the region,” Treñas told IMT News.

When asked what other issues he wanted to hear from the annual presidential speech, the mayor said, “With that, happy na ko for the region.”

Last May, Marcos Jr. said the government is “speeding up” the progress on the 32.47-kilometer bridge project, which had been “sluggish” in previous years.

“[B]ut we’re speeding up thanks to Korean support,” he said during a meeting with Jang Dae-hwan, chairman of Maegyeong Media Group, in Malacañang.IMT