The tourism industry of Western Visayas is on the road to recovery from the effects of lockdowns imposed to control the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Department of Tourism (DOT-6).

DOT-6 regional director Cristine Mansinares said they are expecting the industry to fully recover by 2024.

But with the improving COVID-19 situation in the region and the agency’s efforts to help tourism players, she is hopeful for a faster recovery.

Mansinares said the number of tourists visiting Boracay Island in Malay, Aklan is growing and more workers are returning to the world-famous island resort.

Based on data from the Malay Municipal Tourism Office, Boracay welcomed 267,278 local and foreign tourists in the first quarter of the year.

Mansinares also noted the increasing flights and roll-on, roll-off trips going to and from the region.

The DOT-6 is now working to revive flight operations between Clark, Pampanga and Negros Occidental.

“We are hoping to reestablish the flights from Clark, which has already reopened. It’s an international hub so we wanted to connect Negros Occidental and the rest of its cities and municipalities to Clark,” Mansinares said.

Last week, Guimaras brought back in-person activities, including the mango eat-all-you-can feast, in celebration of the 2022 Manggahan Festival.

Negros Occidental, meanwhile, opened its Lakbayanihan Tourism Fair 2022 at the Ayala Malls Capitol Central. It will ran until May 29.IMT